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JLSP Special Issue: Call for Co-Editors

The Journal of Language and Social Psychology is announcing a new Special Issue, for which they are seeking co-Editors:

“THE LEGACY OF GEORGE FLOYD:Language, Communication, d Social Psychological Perspectives toward CHANGE and SOCIAL JUSTICE”

In just the last few weeks, almost the entire world has been rocked, shocked, and saddened by the nature of the passing of George Floyd. Arguably and subsequently, it has brought out both the best in some, and the worst in others. People talk of the death of Mr. Floyd and the aftermath as being the “tipping point” after hundreds of years of social injustice. While some are pessimistic that any significant changes will emerge in the wake of similar events in the past, there are, gratifyingly, some significant and immediate signs of the seeds of change in police reform as well as in addressing institutional racism. The JLSP, IALSP, and SAGE wish to foster academic contributions to, and a forum for, the latter.

Hence, I invite nominations (self- or from others) for one or two scholars who would be committed to working with me as Co-Guest Editors on developing the above, including the crafting of a Call for Papers for widespread distribution. In addition, I invite scholars who would be willing to work with us as Members of a Guest Editorial Board not only in reviewing submitted papers, but also assisting in creating our collaborative vision for this enterprise.

If interested, contact: Howie Giles, Editor, Journal of Language & Social Psychology at:

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