Researchers conducting a meta-analysis on the effects of gender-fair language have issued the following call for data:
Dear colleagues,
For a meta-analytical assessment, we seek unpublished data reporting on effects of gender-fair vs. gender-biased language on the mental representation of women and men from an observer (are women included by others) or an actor perspective (do women themselves feel included).
We search for experimental data comparing masculine generics with gender-fair forms, such as:
- neutral forms (e.g., chair-person, Studierende in German)
- male/female pairs (e.g., male and female students, Studentinnen und Studenten, Studentinnen/Studenten in German)
- specific to the German language capital I-forms (e.g., StudentInnen; or language forms intended to be even more inclusive such as the *-solution, e.g., Student*innen).
If you have any unpublished or nearly published data (including thesis data) for us, please contact us as soon as possible, preferably by October 15th, 2020. We are happy to provide you with an easy-to-use Excel Sheet, so you can provide us with the data we need without sharing original data if that is a concern.
If your data is already published, we likely have found it; however, you are welcome to contact us to ensure that we did! Please pass this request to any colleagues who are examining gender-fair language, especially those who are outside the field of Social Psychology.
If you have any questions, please write to Further information about the meta-analysis is available on the Open Science Framework:
Mona Salwender, M.Sc., University of Mannheim (
Dr. Ira Maschmann, University of Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Sabine Sczesny, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Stahlberg, University of Mannheim