Member Opportunities
September 12, 2020 / September 12, 2020 by Marko Dragojevic
Researchers conducting a meta-analysis on the effects of gender-fair language have issued the following call for data: Dear colleagues, For a meta-analytical assessment, we seek unpublished data reporting on effects of gender-fair vs. gender-biased language on the mental representation of women and men from an observer (are women included by others) or an actor perspective (do […]
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June 14, 2020 / June 14, 2020 by Jessica Gasiorek
The Journal of Language and Social Psychology is announcing a new Special Issue, for which they are seeking co-Editors: “THE LEGACY OF GEORGE FLOYD:Language, Communication, d Social Psychological Perspectives toward CHANGE and SOCIAL JUSTICE” In just the last few weeks, almost the entire world has been rocked, shocked, and saddened by the nature of the […]
May 8, 2020 / May 8, 2020 by Jessica Gasiorek
Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) is seeking international students to apply as new full-time PhD students in UGC-funded universities. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance (including a high GPA and high honors classification if applicable), research ability (as evidenced by conference and journal publications), strong English communication skills, and […]
April 27, 2020 / April 27, 2020 by Marko Dragojevic
Dear IALSP Members and Friends, The Journal of Language & Social Psychology (JLSP) is intent on publishing a Special Issue on language and sociopsychological matters relating to the Covid-19 virus that should appear in late 2021. Any scholar (or scholars) with editing experience that would like to head up this venture as a Guest Editor, please indicate […]
January 23, 2020 / January 23, 2020 by Marko Dragojevic
The following books are available for review at the Journal of Language and Social Psychology. If you are interested in reviewing one of them, please contact Jake Harwood (JLSP book review editor: indicating which book(s), providing additional information on your interest and qualifications for reviewing, and giving a mailing address. Reviews range in length but have an absolute […]