April 11, 2018 / April 11, 2018 by Jessica Gasiorek
The (randomly) selected focus publication for April 2018 is: Carrie, E., & McKenzie, R. M. (2018) American or British? L2 speakers’ recognition and evaluations of accent features of English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39(4), 313-328. ABSTRACT Recent language attitude research has attended to the processes involved in identifying and evaluating spoken language varieties. This article investigates […]
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January 17, 2018 by Jessica Gasiorek
The (randomly) selected focus publication for January 2018 is: Penzel, I. B., Persich, M. R., Boyd, R. L., & Robinson, M. D. (2017). Linguistic evidence for the failure mindset as a predictor of lifespan longevity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(3), 348-355. ABSTRACT Background: When people think that their efforts will fail to achieve positive outcomes, they sometimes […]
January 25, 2017 by Jessica Gasiorek
After a hiatus for annual holidays, we are returning with the first focus publication of 2017! The (randomly) selected focus publication for January 2017 is: Lin, M-C., Giles, H., & Soliz, J. (2016). Problematic intergenerational communication and caregiving in the family: Elder abuse and neglect. In L.N. Olson & M.A. Fine (Eds), The darker side of […]
October 17, 2016 by Jessica Gasiorek
Each year IALSP is allocated one session (75 minutes) at the International Communication Association (ICA) conference. This session allows us to continue a tradition of collegiality among our members, recruit new members, network, and showcase our work outside of our organization. In 2017, ICA will be in San Diego, California (May 25-29). We anticipate that this will […]
October 4, 2016 by Jessica Gasiorek
The (randomly) selected focus publication for October 2016 is: Giles, H., & Stohl, M. (2016). Fans, rivalries, communities, and nations: An intergroup approach to communication and sports. In A. Billings (Ed.), Sports communication as a field (pp. 150-164). New York: Routledge. [PDF] A PDF of the chapter is available via the link above.