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CFP for Special Issue of the Journal of Language and Social Psychology

The Journal of Language and Social Psychology has issued a Call for Papers (CFP) for an upcoming special issue tentatively entitled, “Advice: Integrative Insights”. Erina MacGeorge (Penn State University) will serve as guest editor.

From the CFP: Advice is a ubiquitous form of interpersonal support and influence. Indeed, the advice we exchange with others can be highly consequential, affecting us as recipients and advisors, and shaping both positive and negative outcomes for relationships, groups, and organizations. […] This special issue of the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, tentatively entitled “Advice: Integrative Insights” will showcase scholarship that bridges disciplinary and paradigmatic boundaries to produce greater insight about the structure, function, and outcomes of advice. Manuscripts accepted for the issue will feature empirical research focused on the language and communication of advice—with the requirement that they provide substantive insight through integration of theory from different disciplines or sub-disciplines, methods that extend or bridge traditional paradigms, and/or the examination of advising processes in understudied and consequential domains.

Click here for the full CFP. [PDF]

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